Intercontinental Hotels
For some, travel is an escape. But the true joy of travel is immersing yourself in somewhere new to change the way you see the world. This was the foundation upon which Intercontinental Hotels was built. And to bring the experience of a stay abroad to users at home, we took them on an multi-channel audio and visual journey of the imagination.

New York. London. Beijing. Cartagena. A global adventure to capture the incredibly unique perspectives through video, audio and photography. The result was an immersive series including podcasts, video, social, written content and an online experience hub. Not featured: a NYC subway snafu, a hilarious Mandarin language barrier, and a plunder in Piccadilly Circus.

The original experience was so successful that they sent us out again, this time to Cartagena, Colombia. While there, we captured a day in the life of a travel writer, snuck into a Colombian women’s prison to interview inmate chefs working at a five-star rated restaurant open to the public, and met up with rising starts in the world of Champeta, which is essentially Colombian hip hop. Video, social, podcasts, web, written content and a 24 hour shoot day that ended in a jazz club named the Havana. Amazing.
As a result, the effort was a smash. With next to no paid media budget, our content garnered over 22MM unique online views, our podcast series was downloaded over 2MM times, and the entire effort inspired a full length feature in The Atlantic focused on the ability of brands to be a reflection of morality and sentiment of the world we live in. Fascinating, and right on point.