Talking dogs. Grappling guns. Lederhosen, firearms, baboons and Mrs. Teapots herself. The first years of my career were full of some great moments and fun ideas.
Come tax time, everyone wished they had people that could help. This H&R Block campaign gave people just that.
It gave us some great opportunities to get creative, and it got us one serious complaint letter that I keep framed on my wall at home. Gauplatterhosen will get you every time.
Partnership for a Drug Free America. Voted by AdWeek as the #4 most likely commercial to make you want to do drugs. Win? College Humor thought so.
Angela Lansbury was a very generous spokesperson for the ALS Association, and a generous participant in our commercial. She dodged our bullets, and the spot was hit with a Telly Award.
After 15 months of concepting and testing, 3000+ miles of travel and one baboon attack, this TRESemme spot produced more than tv commercial. And after running on American Idol, the musical soundtrack it featured became so highly demanded that we ended up making it into a full-length song featuring NY jazz singer Jamie Leonhart.
The spot was a success, and the song became one of the top iTunes downloads the month it was released.
Energy efficiency at its best. No really. People have become so energy efficient that the energy companies are now needing to find ways to sell more electricity to keep operating at peak. So here's a brand campaign powered by power.
Insurance isn't always the sexiest thing to sell, but it doesn't need to be the slapstickiest, either. This was an honest and sincere approach to connect The Hartford with what it really can mean for people. Peace of mind. Empowerment. Incredibly good-looking babies.
Banks are banks. That's not a good thing. National City wanted to convince their audience that they were different. And with a better offering that other banks, they were. So all I had to do is tap into the truth that you don't have to be scared of banking anymore.